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Meetings and Excursions

GYLHAS hosts a monthly programme of interesting and varied talks, meetings, films and slideshows . All meetings comply with relevant Govt guidelines with regards Covid security and members and guests are expected to do the same. Over the years the society has explored topics ranging from Concrete Cockrill to Rediscovered Archaeological Treasure.  In addition to visiting speakers, members are often keen to share their own expertise and are invited to speak at selected meetings throughout the year.

The society meets on the third Friday of the month from September to June, at 7.30pm, at Christchurch, King Street, Great Yarmouth, unless otherwise stated.    Christchurch is fully accessible: on-street and public car parking spaces (free in the evenings) are available nearby. 


GYLHAS Meeting and Lecture Programme 2024

December 15th (2023)

Members' Quiz followed by buffet and raffle

January 19th

Members' Night

John Fletcher Dodd and Caister Camp. By David Tubby

Survey of Buildings on Church Plain. By Stuart Burgess.

February 16th

Norwich Textiles and their Export through the Port of Great Yarmouth.

By Dr. Michael Nix Historian and Researcher.


March 15th

The Real Basil Brown. The 2021 Film 'The Dig'

Gives a Romanised View of the Events at Sutton Hoo in 1939

By Sarah E. Doig BMus (Hons) Dip Lib


April 19th

Thomas Becket in Norfolk. From King Henry II's Friend to his Sworn Enemy to Martyrdom.

By Victor Morgan PhD Norfolk Based Historian.


May 17th A.G.M.   

Slide Show on Great Yarmouth Market Place and King Street.

By Peter Jones (Deltiologist)


June 21st Supplementary Meeting

'The Siren Sea' The Medieval Mariner Ships & Navigation in Past Times.

By Imogen Corrigan, B.A. Hons


September 20th

George Skipper Norfolk Architect.

By Dr. Roger Simpson. Art Historian.


October 18th

George Borrow's stay in Great Yarmouth 1852-1859 with Mrs. Borrow's Income and Expenditure Accounts During their Time in the Town.

By Ivan Bunn, Historian and Writer.


November 15th

The Archaeology of Norfolk from the end of the Last Ice Age to Boudica

By David  Roberston M.A. Norfolk Writer and Historian


December 20th

Christmas Meeting In-house Speaker.


GYLHAS Summer Excursion

Wymondham Abbey, West Stow Museum & Anglo Saxon Village Monday 22nd July, 2024

This year’s coach excursion is to Wymondham Abbey, where we will have a guided tour around the Abbey, and then onto the West Stow Museum and Anglo Saxon village. There will be a guided tour of the recreated Anglo Saxon village. 


The tour of Wymondham Abbey is estimated to last between 45 minutes and an hour. There will be time to have lunch at Wymondham before going onto West Stow. It is estimated that the tour at West Stow will lasts about 2 hours and there will be time to look around the onsite exhibition. We will be leaving West Stow at 5pm and expect to be back in Great Yarmouth and Gorleston between 6.30pm and 7.10pm.

Pickup Points

1.  The Tramway, Lowestoft Road, Gorleston – 8.50am,

2.  Stand A, Market Gates (outside Poundstretcher) – 9.10am,

3.  Barnard Crescent – 9.20am,

4.  Caister Police Station – 9.30am. 



The cost of the coach will be £14.17. The tour of Wymondham Abbey is £5.00 per person and the tour of West Stow is £8.00 per person. For non­members of the Society there is an extra £2.00 per person to cover insurance.

If you wish to join the coach trip please download and complete the Booking From which can be found by clicking here:  and send with a cheque made payable to GYLHAS and send it to: Michael Wadsworth, 38 Priory Street, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 6NG.

Payment can also be made via online banking using account name GYLHAS; ­ Sort code 40­22­22; ­Account number 00401331; adding your surname and TRIP 24 as a reference. Please also complete Booking Form which can be found by clicking here and email to

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